Did you know you can use Smoopa on your
iPhone or
Android device to compare prices while shopping in-store? Here's how:
Smoopa compares the price of the item you scan with past and present prices in our database to determine if it's a good price. You'll see prices from other shoppers as well as trusted retailers such as Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Macy’s, Kohl’s, JCPenney, Nordstrom, and Sephora.
Shipping costs are always included, making it easier to compare across retailers. Some stores such as Target, Walmart, and Best Buy also have a policy of matching online prices, letting you purchase it right away for less.
You can scan just about anything with a UPC, including electronics, toys, beauty supplies, accessories, shoes, packaged foods, video games, housewares, baby products, and more. If you don’t need it now, set an alert or add it to "My Wishlist" and we will send you an email when we find a lower online price.
You may even receive a special offer when you scan a barcode and enter the in-store price. Simply purchase the item in that store and submit a photo of your receipt to claim your offer. Your account balance can then be redeemed for money, gift cards, or donations to various charities.
What are you waiting for? Use
Smoopa in-store to shop with confidence and never overpay!
- Mendel Chuang, CEO of Smoopa, currently collecting to
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